Friday, May 29, 2009

Nesting & Resting

I couldn't find a crib mobile that I liked... so I decided to try to make my own!! I knew I wanted it to sparkle, so I went to Michael's and just roamed the aisles looking for things to add to it. Here is my finished product! I think it will look nice hanging above baby's crib!!

I am 37 weeks today! It's been a fun week- we had our childbirth class Monday, and that was interesting, to say the very least. The film we watched was pretty crazy, but I've been doing a lot of studying on my own, so it's nothing I haven't seen before... total hippy/natural childbirth experience. It freaked Mark out a bit but I tried to just take it with a grain of salt.
I feel pretty good, the only complaint I have is that I can't sleep very well... (and I hear I never will again) due to discomfort and some back pain, but that's about it. I find I don't want to leave the house much... am just 100% contented spending most of my time indoors... cleaning, organizing, making things... I packed my bag for the hospital last night, working off a list I compiled from a friend's suggestions (Thanks, Allison!) and 2 others I found in books. I am so OCD lately. I make lists about making lists... and I like it. I also think I found a pediatrician- I asked around a lot and finally made some calls today. I feel good about who I have chosen and especially that they have privledges at the hospital I am actually delivering in, and I will meet them when they do their rounds after the birth. :)
That's all for now! Be back in touch next week after my 37 week appointment!


  1. Your mobile is beautiful!
    I can't wait to see your little one!
    Hope you're getting a little sleep at least.
