Friday, May 29, 2009

Nesting & Resting

I couldn't find a crib mobile that I liked... so I decided to try to make my own!! I knew I wanted it to sparkle, so I went to Michael's and just roamed the aisles looking for things to add to it. Here is my finished product! I think it will look nice hanging above baby's crib!!

I am 37 weeks today! It's been a fun week- we had our childbirth class Monday, and that was interesting, to say the very least. The film we watched was pretty crazy, but I've been doing a lot of studying on my own, so it's nothing I haven't seen before... total hippy/natural childbirth experience. It freaked Mark out a bit but I tried to just take it with a grain of salt.
I feel pretty good, the only complaint I have is that I can't sleep very well... (and I hear I never will again) due to discomfort and some back pain, but that's about it. I find I don't want to leave the house much... am just 100% contented spending most of my time indoors... cleaning, organizing, making things... I packed my bag for the hospital last night, working off a list I compiled from a friend's suggestions (Thanks, Allison!) and 2 others I found in books. I am so OCD lately. I make lists about making lists... and I like it. I also think I found a pediatrician- I asked around a lot and finally made some calls today. I feel good about who I have chosen and especially that they have privledges at the hospital I am actually delivering in, and I will meet them when they do their rounds after the birth. :)
That's all for now! Be back in touch next week after my 37 week appointment!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Look What I Made!

I spent this afternoon in power-nesting mode... and on the sewing machine. I've been wanting to "play" for a few weeks now, and today just sat down and started having fun. I embellished guest bedroom towels, burp cloths, and onesies. I did a little set of 3 burp cloths for a friend who is having a boy. I did ok- I only ruined 1 onesie! Which is pretty good for me, considering I really don't know what I am doing and can hardly keep my stitches straight!! I like to sew... I took a home ec class in middle school and LOVED it, and bought a refurbished machine off Ebay a few years back for 75 bucks. It's a little starter machine, but does everything I need it to! It's fun to be crafty on a lazy Sunday!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Dallas Baby Shower

Our first shower was hosted by Andrea Seitzinger at her home in Sanger, Tx, April 11, over Easter Weekend. I was 30 wks in all these pictures. Andrea just moved into her newly built home and used hosting the shower as motivation to get her home set up and organized fast! It was great to see and visit with friends and family from the Dallas area, especially since we don't get to see each other that often! Good friends (my OLDEST girlfriends) Chelsi and Erica came, so that was really special. I had not met Chelsi's son Carter or Erica's twin girls, Ella & Emma, so I was glad they came! Savannah liked getting dressed up and helping open presents, too. We made it a long holiday weekend, took the kids and dogs and spent 3 nights at my parent's house at Lake Kiowa.

Lakeway Baby Shower

Here are a few pictures from my shower here in Lakeway! (I was 34 wks!) It was hosted Saturday, May 9th in Vineyard Bay by Anna O'Neal, Angela Reese, M'Kay Cox, Vanessa Wells, (it was in her home) and my mom, Angie Gafford. It was a great turnout, and a wonderful reminder of what special girlfriends I have. Thanks to all my beautiful hostesses for all your hard work and efforts, I had a wonderful time! It was very special to share with you all...

Monday, March 16, 2009

So I'm getting real about pregnancy...

It's SPRING BREAK already... and I realized it's been way too long since I updated and posted pictures. I sometimes feel like since we don't have the actual baby yet, no one would want to see "belly pics" but I get asked to share a lot~ so here ya go! I haven't been consistant in taking them every single week, but when I remember, we try to get one or two. The tank top photo is me at 22 weeks, and the dress shirt is 25 weeks.
I am 26 weeks today (3/16/09) and REALLY STARTING TO FEEL PREGNANT, if ya know what I mean. I weigh in at 144 lbs in jeans & after a smart bowl of honey nut cheerios. Yum! my appetite is back! (My pre-preg weight was 128, so I'm doing pretty good!) and I really have a bump now. It took a long to time to show but now it's here and I couldn't hide it if I wanted to. I am still teaching at the dance studio (about 6 days a week, anywhere from 2-7 hrs a day) and I think that responsibility has kept me fit and in good shape. I danced hard until right after Christmas- and that's about when I started feeling bigger. Now I am more careful- I take breaks and don't dance full out (no switch leaps for now) but I am there, choreographing, demonstrating what I can, and working hard just the same. Our show is June 6th- my due date is the 20th- and I plan on being there for all of it. I am hoping to make it through the show and then relax at home until the baby comes. (we have a new pool in our community! and I bought a preggy suit!)
I am in full-blown nesting a crazy, fun, neckbreaking, perfectionist, manic way. I have organized every single pantry/closet/storage space in my home, painted a bathroom, re-decorated almost every room, tried new recipes, designed my own nursery bedding, reached out to old friends, written thank you notes, cleaned every surface, finished projects, read a million books, busted out the glue gun/crockpot/sewing machine... you name it. I am on a total roll. Today's plans: I am updating this, working on sewing some cute embellished towels and burp clothes, and having a meeting later with the studio owner to discuss next year's schedule.
So- on that note, I am getting antsy. I feel the need and urge and NEED to manage everything. I want to get our childbirth classes set, get the crib set up, and really get READY for this adventure of having a baby!!! AHHHHH!
I feel her move a lot, which is so encouraging. It's like she senses my excitement (and anxiety!) and gives me little nudges remind me to keep the eye on the prize and have a little faith. I feel like she is maybe a little sideways these days- with her head up under my rib cage and her feet down and to the left of my low abdomen. It gets pretty uncomfortable when she wedges herself in my ribs (or whatever that is!) so I try to push with my hands a little... and she usually kicks or pushes me back. I sort of feel like this is her way of telling me to let the natural order take place and quit stressing out. :) I am really looking forward to seeing her face and getting to know her.
I am starting to see the change of the season take place and that gets me excited, too. The grass is greener, we have days of rain at a time, and the buds are out on the trees. The Easter dresses are hanging on store racks, legs are looking tanner, and the sun is shining warmer. It all brings out the introspective side of me.
I am quieter, homlier, territorial, more creative, and somehow starting to feel stronger. Like I have found my anchor. My purpose. My need and be needed. I am craving things like spiritual guidance and pastries. This is already the greatest challenge, yet greatest experience, of my life.

Friday, January 30, 2009

It's a GIRL! 19 week ultrasounds!

Here are our 19 week ultrasounds, taken 1/26/2008. It's a girl!

ABC's of being pregnant!

Life is changing quickly for all of us, and I wanted to make sure I was documenting these precious moments as they happen! I have decided to start a blog for our growing family, where friends and family can go to catch up with everything. I will borrow an idea from a friend to give you the ABC's of what we've been up to!

Announcing the big news: we are expecting a baby girl this June!

Books: I'm addicted to reading... I'm reading 1-2 a week these days.

Connor (my stepson) is in 4th grade, playing sports, and getting all A's (and an 89 in LA!)

Dance is going well: still teaching every day! Savannah is taking combo on Thursdays.

Every day is a new and interesting experience being pregnant!

Food is more appetizing again... thank goodness. 1st tri was a challenge...

Grandparents are a blessing... thanks for your help and excitement! love & family!

I am seriously considering a drug-free childbirth plan... call me crazy.

Just a little overwhelmed thinking of it all...

Kids are wild & crazy, as usual!

Labor is starting to frighten me... but I can't wait to experience it.

Mark is busy with work, the kids, and likes to play tennis, golf, & work out when he can!

Never looked forward to anything more!

Obama. I didn't vote for him, but I am ready to give him a chance. Make it a good experience.

Please don't share horrific birth stories with me. Now is not a good time.

Quit staring. It's a baby bump, not a beer gut!

Registering at Pottery Barn Kids and Babies R Us soon! Woo Hoo!

Savannah is excited to be a "big sister!" (let's hope that enthusiasum lasts...)

TLC's Jon & Kate plus 8 are my HEROS. They make me feel normal.

Usual routine: mornings to myself, teach afternoons & evenings, home! wkends: kids sports!

Vitamins: prenatal horse pills...gag. As long as they don't taste like fish oil, we're good.

Weight: at 20 wks/5 mos, 136. Pregpreg was 128.

X wife: lives close, is actually pretty cool, and we've become friends. It's just easier that way.

You all sharing your stories about your own children & families with me: priceless.

Zzzzzz'z: I love to catch up when I can, but I know I can only get away with it now!